- BVS - Control of Codling Moth, Secondary Pests and True Bugs by Reduced Risk Insecticides
- Elkens - Ingels - Testing Of New Codling Moth Granulosis Virus Products and Spinosad To Supplement Mating Disruption in Bartlett Pear Orchards
- Varela - Developing Monitoring Techniques for Control of Pear Slug
- Varela - Evaluation of Assail for Control of Codling Moth
- Welter - Development of Codling Moth Management Strategies in Pears
- Zoller - WOPDMC - Biased Sampling for Consperse Stink Bug Using a Cut Fruit Technique in Bartlett Pears
Plant Pathology
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russetting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods
- Southwick - Shoot Growth and Secondary Bloom Inhibition for Fire Blight Control in ‘Bartlett’ Pear