Here’s where you can meet California’s pear shippers and sales agents and get to know the labels and varieties they have available.
Blazing StarScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (707) 263-1458 |
Blue AnchorRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
DailyDavid J. Elliot & Son (916) 775-1614 Fax (916) 775-2183 |
First LadyScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (707) 263-1458 |
Golden GlowRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
HeritageGreene & Hemly, Inc. Crown Jewels Marketing (559) 438-2335 Fax (559) 438-2341 |
Joe Green OrganicsRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
Lake County DiamondScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (707) 263-1458 |
MarykaScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (209) 263-1458 |
Mendo MountScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (707) 263-1458 |
McCormackRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
Quercus RanchRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
RivermaidRivermaid Trading Company (209) 210-6800 |
Snow MountainScully Packing Co. LLC (707) 263-8500 Fax (707) 263-1458
TraditionGreene & Hemly, Inc. Crown Jewels Marketing (559) 438-2335 Fax (559) 438-2341 |
Viva TierraGreene & Hemly, Inc. (530) 288-3476 Fax (530) 288-3472 |