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| CDPR - Pear Pest Management Alliance
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2019- BMSB Sacramento River Area Project Report
- Female Lure to Improve Monitoring and Management of Codling Moth
- Active Yeasts Improve Selective Insecticides For Codling Moth Control In Pears
- Climate Change And Its Impact On Predicting Codling Moth Emergence
- Phenology and distribution of Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs in California pear orchards
- Active yeasts improve selective insecticides for codling moth control in pears-ppt
- Active yeasts improve selective insecticides for codling moth control in pears
- Phenology and distribution of brown marmorated stink bugs in california pear orchards
- Phenology and distribution of brown marmorated stink bugs-ppt
- Active Yeasts Improve Selective Insecticides for Codling Moth Control-Van Steenwyk
- Consperse Stink Bug Management Using Multiple Techniques
- PPT Ingels Brown Marmorated Stick Bug Presentation
- PPT Van Steenwyk Active Yeasts for CM Presentation
- Active Yeasts Improve Selective Insecticides for Codling Moth Control-Knight
- PPT UC IPM Pear Guidlines
- Field Efficacy Trials of a 50_ Aerosol Rate for Codling Moth Control-Steven Welter
- Updating UC IPM Pear Guidlines
- Welter - Puffer Performance ppt
- Elkins - Unmanaged Apple and Pear Trees ppt
- Van Steenwick - Insecticide-Miticide Evaluations for Control of Codling Moth, Pear Psylla and Mites in Pears
- Welter - Efficacy of Modified Pheromone Application Methods For Codling Moth Management in Walnuts
- Welter - Further Investigations on Performance in Codling Mothe Mating Disruption Implicatioins of Pheromone Load and Aerosal Form, and Upwind Movemnetof Males
- Welter - Reduced Rates of Pheromone ppt
- Elkins - Unmanaged Apple and Pear Trees - Lake County Master Gardeners Calendar
- Elkins - Unmanaged Apple and Pear Tree Outreach Program
- Welter - Why Puffers Work
- Welter - Why Puffers Work ppt
- Elkins - Unmanaged Apple and Pear Trees Slides
- Welter - Why Puffers Work
- Welter - Understanding Mating Disruption by Aerosol Puffers ppt
- Welter - Large Block Testing of Meso-Emitterss For Control of Codling Moth in Pears
- Welter - Continued Testing of Pheromone “Meso-Emiotters” for Mating Disruption ppt
- Van Steenwyk - New Reduced Risk Insecticides for Codling Moth Control, Larvicidal Toxicity and Longevity and Ovicidal Toxicity in Pears
- Van Steenwyk - Alticor - Delegate ppt
- Welter - OPDC Presentation -Continued Testing of PHEROMONE “Meso-Emitters” for Mating Disruption of Codling Moth in CA Pears
- Ingels - Ethephon Slides ppt
- Ingels - Control of Codling Moth by Postharvest Application of Ethephon 2SL and Insecticides
- Welter - Development and Optimization of “Meso-Pheromone” Emitters for Codling Moth Management in Walnuts and Pears
- Welter - (Meso) Developing Cost Effective Pheromone Mating Disruption for Codling Moth in Pears ppt
- Millar - Investigations of Possible Chemical and Acoustic Communication in Boxelder Bug
- Knight - Monitoring Codling Moth in Four Pear Cultivars with the Pear Ester
- BVS, Ingels - Control of Codling Moth by Postharvest Application of Ethephon 2SL and Lorsban 4E
- BVS - Pest Managements Strategies Incorporating New Reduced Risk Insecticides ppt
- BVS - Ethephon Talk WOPDMC ppt
- BVS - Effects of pH on Lorsban Toxicity to Codling Moth in Post-Harvest Pears ppt
- BVS - Effects of Buffering on Ethephon for Pear Fruit Maturation ppt
- BVS - Control of codling moth by post–harvest application of Ethephon 2SL and Lorsban 4E
- Ingels BVS - Comparison of Calypso with Standard Insecticides for Codling Moth Control
- Welter - Development of Cost Effective Pheromone Mating Disruption for Codling Moth in Pears and Walnuts
- Varela - Monitoring and Controlling Katydids in Pear Orchards
- Millar - Chemical and Acoustic Communication in Boxelder Bug, Leptocoris (=Boisea) spp. (Hemiptera Rhopalidae)
- Elkins - Monitoring and the Use of Mass Trapping Outside the Orchard to Control Consperse Stink Bug (EUSCHISTUS conspersus UHLER) in Pear Orchards
- BVS - New Reduced Risk IPM Tools for Pears
- Varela - Monitoring and Control of Katydids and Diabrotica in Pear Orchards
- Millar - Investigations of Posible Chemical and Acoustic Communication in Boxelder Bug
- Elkins - Monitoring and the Use of Mass Trapping Outside the Orchard to Control Consperse Stink Bug
- Welter - Evaluation of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies for Codling Moth
- Zoller - WOPDMC- Pesticide Use in Codling Moth Mating Disruped Pear Orchards_ 2001-2005
- Elkins - Validation of the Consperse Stink Bug Degree-day Model
- PowerPoint- Consperse Stink Bug Degree-day Model
- PowerPoint- Control of Codling Moth in Organic Pear Orchards
- Van Steenwyk Control of Codling Moth
- Welter
- Varela - Monitoring Secondary Pest Outbreak by Unknown Chewing Feeders
- Walton - Potential Of Bats as Predators Oof Adult Codling Moths,
- BVS - Control of Codling Moth and Secondary Pests by Reduced Risk Insecticides
- Welter - Insecticide Resistance in Codling Moth - Resistance to New Selective Chemistries
- Welter - Evaluation of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies
- BVS - Efficacy and Field Longevity of Insecticides Used for Codling Moth
- Varela - Evaluation of Assail for Control of Codling Moth
- Zoller - WOPDMC - Biased Sampling for Consperse Stink Bug Using a Cut Fruit Technique in Bartlett Pears
- Varela - Developing Monitoring Techniques for Control of Pear Slug
- Elkens - Ingels - Testing Of New Codling Moth Granulosis Virus Products and Spinosad To Supplement Mating Disruption in Bartlett Pear Orchards
- BVS - Control of Codling Moth, Secondary Pests and True Bugs by Reduced Risk Insecticides
- Welter - Development of Codling Moth Management Strategies in Pears
- Zoller - Comparison of Kairmone DA 2313 and Pheromone Lure Trapping for Codling Moth with Oviposition Monitoring
- Welter - Developing of Alternative Dispensing Technologies for Management of Codling Moth
- BVS - Control of Codling Moth and True Bugs by Reducing Risk Insecticides - Sacramento River
- Elkins - Control of Codling Moth and True Bugs by Reduced Risk Insecticides - Upper Sacramento Valley
- Elkins - Control of Codling Moth in Organic Pear Orchards
- Varela - Control of Codling Moth and True Bugs by Reduced Risk Insecticides - North Coast
- Varela - Evaluation of the Sprayable Codling Moth Pheromone Formulation
- Welter - Determination of Key Predators of Pear Psylla using Molecular Bioassays for Pray Detection
- Hansen - El Dorado County Pear Pest Management Alliance 2001 Final Report
- Southwick - Shoot Growth and Secondary Bloom Inhibition for Fire Blight Control in \'Bartlett\' Pear
- Zoller - Seasonal Oviposition Preference of Codling Moth Between Cut and Intact Fruit of Bartlett and Bosc Pear Cultivars
- Zoller - Seasonal Comparison of Monitoring Techniques for Codling Moth in Mating Disrupted Pear Orchards
- Welter -Development of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies for Management of Codling Moth
- Hansen - Suisun Valley Pear Pest Management Alliance 2001 Final Report
- Elkins, BVS - Control of Codling Moth with VirosoftCP4 Bio-insecticide Containing Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus in Pears
- Ingels - 2001 Pear Pest Management Alliance Project for the Sacramento River District
- Varela - Biologically Intensive Pest Management Program for Pears in Mendocino County
- Elkins - Areawide Implementation of Mating Disruption in Pears Using Puffers
- Chevalier - Areawide Management of Codling Moth in Mendocino Orchards
- BVS - Control of Codling Moth, Secondary Pests and True Bugs by Reduced Risk Insecticides
- Varela - Evaluation of BioControl and Consep Codling Moth Pheromone Dispensers
- Welter - Determination of Generalist Predators of Pear Psylla
- Neumann, Long - Bats and Codling Moth Management in Pears
- Welter - Evaluation of New Codling Moth Lures and Traps in Mating Disrupted Orchards
- Welter - Development of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies for Management of Codling Moth
- Welter - Determination of Key Predators of Pear Psylla Using Molecular Bioassays fpr Prey Detection
- Varela, Ingels - Control of Secondary Pests in Codling MOth Mating Disrupted Orchards_ Mendocino and Sacramento Counties
- Varela - Evaluation of BioControl and Consep Codling Moth Pheromone Dispensers
- Millar - Formulation and Optimization of Pheromone Baits for Stink Bugs
- Elkins - Using a Combined CM-OBLR Puffer Dispenser for Oblique-Banded Leafroller Mating Disruption
- BVS - Control of Secondary Pests in Codling Moth Mating Disrupted Orchards_ Solano and Sacramento Counties
- Mills - Importing Parasitoids for Management of Codling Moth and Secondary Pests in Pears
Orchard Management
2020- 2020 2013 NC-140 Orchard Systems - Elkins
- Pear Genomics Website Report
- Genomics of NPGS Pear Germplasm-Montanari et al
- FNRIC Pear Genomics Website Report
- High Density Orchard Systems for European Pear 2013 NC-140 Regional Rootstock Progress Report
- Comparison of Horner 4, OHXF87 and OHXF 97 Rootstocks Under Varying Conditions and Cultural Practices in Lake County
- Study of Mechanical Mass-Harvesting of Pears
- Organizing a Protocol for the High-throughput Phenotyping of Armillaria Resistance in Pear
- Correct Hopland NC-140 Map
- High Density Orchard Systems for European NC_140 Progress Report Pear
- Elkins - NC-140 Rootstock Report
- Reed - Improved Media for Micropropagation of Dwarfing Pear Rootstocks
- Roncoroni - Orchard Floor Management in North Coast Organic Pear Orchards
- Ingels - Evaluation of Weed and Nutrient Management Practices in Organic Pear Orchards
- Klozer - Updating Nutritional Strategies for Today\'s California European Pear Industry
- Ingels - Organic Weed Control
- Ingels - Organic Weed Control ppt
- Elkins - NC-140_Report
- Glozer - Inducing Percocity in European Pear
- Elkins - Evaluation of Potential New Size Controlling Rootstocks for European Pear
- Ingels - Cost-Effective Weed and Nutrient Management Practices in Organic Pear Orchards
- Glozer - Use of Plant Growth Regulators for Freeze Protection and Increasing Fruit Set
- Miles - Ergonomics Partnership to Address Tree Fruit Worker Injury
- Ingels - Demonstration of the Darwin Blossom Thinner
- Glozer - Efficient Nitrogen Fertilization for Control of Vegetative Growth and Optimum Cropping
- Ingels - Use of Autumn Foliar Fertilization for Stimulating Early Dormancy Potential Effects on Nitrogen Status, Vegetative Growth, and Fire Blight Susceptibility
- Glozer - Use of Plant Growth Regulators for Freeze Protection and Increasing Fruit Set, Preliminary Results
- Glozer - Managing Bloom and Cropping in European Pear,
- Elkins - NC-140 Report
- Elkins - NC-140 Report
- Johnson - California NC-140 Report (Other Fruit)
- Glozer - Testing CPPU for crop load management and improved fruit quality in ‘Bartlett’ pear
- Glozer - Management of Dormant Sprays by Chill Accumulation in Bartlett Pear, Final Report
- Southwick - Control of Rat-tail Bloom and Implications for Fire Blight Control in \'Bartlett\' Pear
- Shackel - Water Stress in Pear Trees_ Determining the Mechanism of Water Transport Impairment
- Ingels - Effects of Pruning Method on Fruit Size abd Yield
- Elkins - Use of Urea-Sulfuric Acid and Iron Chelate to Mitigate Iron Chlorosis in Pear
- Ingels - Effects of Trunk Girdling on Tree Growth, Fruit Production and Fire Blight
CDPR - Pear Pest Management Alliance
2000- BVS - Evaluation of New Insecticides for True Bug Control
- Elkins - Areawide Implementation of Mating Disruption in Pears Using Puffers
- Elkins - Sacramento Valley Fireblight Meeting
- Elkins, Lindow - Fireblight Control Stgrategies using the Biological Control Pseudomonas Fluorescens Strain A-506
- Hansen, Ingels, Reil - Pear Pest Management Alliance for Solano and El Dorado Counties
- Ingels - Pear Pest Management Alliance Project Report for the Sacramento River District
- Varela - Areawide Management of Codling Moth in Mendocino County Pear Orchards
Orchard Practices
201820172016- Improving economic and environmental sustainability in California pear production through changes in rootstock use
- High density orchard systems for European pear
- Evaluation of new USDA advanced fire blight-resistant pear selections
- Development of market-based breeding technologies for pear improvement
- Website in support of the pear genomics research group
- Pear variety evaluation in the Sacramento River District
- Pear variety evaluation in the sacramento river district-ppt
- High density orchard systems for european pear-the 2013 nc-140 regional rootstock project.Pdf
- Evaluation of pear tissue sampling protocols for improving nutrient management
- Evaluation of pear tissue sampling protocols for improving nutrient management-ppt.Pdf
- Evaluation of new usda advanced fire blight-resistant pear selections
- Development of marker-based breeding technologies for pear improvement
- Application of marker breeding in pear scion and rootstock improvement-ppt
- Evaluation Of Potential New, Size Controlling Rootstocks For European Pears-ppt
- A Rapid Prototyping Design Tool For Pear Harvest-aid Platforms Utilizing 3d Fruit Reachability And Kinematic Modeling
- Pear variety evaluation in the sacramento river district
- Rapid prototyping design tool for pear harvest-aid platforms utilizing 3d fruit reachability and kinematic modeling-ppt
- Screening for iron chlorosis tolerance of in vitro pryus rootstock germplasm
- PPT Glozer FREP Presentation
- PPT NC-140 Hopland Pear Systems Presentation
- PPT Harvest-Aid Presentation
- A Rapid Prototyping Design Tool for Pear Harvest-aid Platforms Utilizing 3D Fruit Reachability and Kinematic Modeling
- PPT NC-140 Talmage Amelanchier-OHF Presentations
- PPT Dantoni Graft Unions Fall 2013
- Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in California Pear Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use - The NC-140 Rootstock Projectpdf
- Evaluation of the Effect of Amelanchier Sp. and Quince Eline as Rootstocks on 1 to 2 Year-old Pear Trees
- Evaluation of 1 to 2 Yeao-Old 'Bartlett' Pear Trees on Three Selections of Old Home X Farmingdale Rootstocks
- Rooting Strategies for Pear Clonal Rootstocks
- Elkins-NC-140 Evaluation of New Sise Controlling Rootstocks for Pears
- PPT-Wada and Reed Rootstock Rooting
- PPT-Elkins NC-140
- Roncoroni-Orchard Floor Management in North Coast Pear Orchards
- Vougioukas-A Rapit Prototyping Design Tool for Pear Harvest-Aid Platforms Utilizing 3D Reachability and Kinematic Modeling
- PPT- Roncoroni Orchard Floor Management
- Wada and Reed-Improved Micropropagation and Rooting of Dwarfing Rootstock for Pears
- Glozer - Management of Dormant Sprays by Chill Accumulation in Bartlett Pear
- Elkins - Evaluation of Alternative Varieties for California Pear Orchards
- PowerPoint-Variety Trial Evaluation
- Glozer - Using the Dynamic Model for Calculating Chill Accumulation in Bartlett Pear - Management of Dormant Sprays
- Elkins - Variety Trial Report
- Elkins - Variety Trial Data - Sorted by Harvest Date
- Ingels - Understanding the Increasing Black End Problem and the Potential for Foliar Calcium Sprays to Reduce It
Sustainability Food Safety
20182016- Nondestructive prediction of quality for Bartlett pears
- Determine genetic markers associated to the development of ripening capacity
- Evaluation of postharvest treatments for management of gray mold blue mold and other decays of stored pears in California
- Using molecular tools to predict ripening capacity and response to Smartfresh of Bartlett pears.pdf
- Predicting ripening and postharvest quality of Bartlett pears
- Using molecular tools to predict ripening capacity of bartlett pears
- Effects of calcium sprays and avg on fruit quality at harvest and after storage
- Effect of calcium sprays and avg on fruit quality at harvest and after storage-ppt
- Evaluation of postharvest treatments for management of gray mold, blue mold, and other decays of stored pears in california-annual report 2014
- PPT Ingels Ca-AVG Presentation
- Evaluation of Postharvest Fungicides-Adaskaveg
- Effects of Calcium Sprays and AVG on Fruit Quality a Harvest and After Storage
- Strategies for Predicting and Improving Smart Fresh Treatment of Pears-Mitcham
- Using Molecular Tools to Predict Ripening Capacity-Mitcham
- Effects of Calcium Sprays and AVG on Fruit Quality at Harvest and After Storage
- Evaluationm of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue MOld amd other Decays of Stored Pears In California
- Mitcham-Strategies for Predicting and Reducing Fruit Ethylene Production to Improve SmartFresh™ Treatment
- Mitcham-Using Molecular Tools to Predict Ripening Capacity of 'Bartlett' Pears
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and other Decays of Stored Pears in California
- Mitcham - Strategies for Predicting and Reducing Fruit Ethylene Production to Improve SmartFresh™ Treatment Efficacy and Reliability
- Mitcham - Using Molecular Tools to Predict Ripening Capacity of \'Bartlett\' Pears
- Mitcham - Use of SmartFreshTM after Harvest to Improve Fruit Quality after Long-distance Shipment and Storage
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and other Decays of Stored Pears in California
- Mitcham - Use of SmartFresh after Harvest to Improve Fruit Quality after Long-distance Shipment and Storage
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and other Decays of Stored Pears in California
- Slaughter - Non-destructive Field Method of Determining Harvest Maturity of ‘Bartlett’ Pear
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and other Decays of Stored Pears in California
- Mitcham - Use of Hatvista (1-MCP) in the Field or as a Postharvest Dip to Extend The Harvest Window, Increase Fruit Size and Improve Post-Storage Fruit Quality
- Mitcham - Use of Diphenylamine (DPA) to Improve Post-Storage Quality of Bartlett Pears
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and
- Slaughter - Thompson - Evaluation of Non-Destructive Firmness Detectors for Bartlett Pears
- JEA - Evaluation of Postharvest Treatments for Management of Gray Mold, Blue Mold, and other Decays of Stored Pears
- Mitcham - Maintaining Quality of Stored Bartletts with Modified Atmosphere Pallet Covers
- PowerePoint - The Durometer Firmness Tester
- Powerpoint - Pear Packaging for Soft Pears
- Slaughter - Thompson - A New Package for Marketing Ripe Bartlett Pears
Plant Pathology
20212020- Screening Fungicides to Control Pear Scab (Venturia pirina) and Detection of Fungicide Resistance
- Fire Blight Report-JEA
- Fire Blight Report-JEA
- Fire Blight Management 1973-2018-Zoller B OPDMC
- Screening Potential Antagonists for Fire Blight Control- Vannette R
- Actagard Fire Blight Report
- Comparison of copper antibiotics and timings for control of fire blight 2016
- Evaluation of new bactericides for control of fire blight of pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Evaluation of new bactericides for control of fire blight of pears caused by Erwinia amylovora 2015
- Fungicide control of pear scab
- Detection of resistance in populations of venturia pirina in california pear orchards and identification and control of pear canker diseases in california
- Detection of fungicide resistance in populations of venturia pirina in california pear orchards-ppt
- Evaluation of new bactericides for control of fire blight of pears caused by erwinia amylovora-annual report 2014
- Evaluation of new bactericides for control of fire blight of pears caused by erwinia amylovora-ppt
- Evaluation of potential components of a fire blight ipm program
- Non-antibiotic fire blight control that minimizes fruit russet risk-continuing project report
- Efforts to establish alternatives to antibiotics for fire blight control-ppt
- Hanstad_2013_Pear_Scab_Report
- Fire Blight Epidemiology and Improved Post-infection Control-Johnson
- PPT Adaskaveg FB Presentation
- Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora-Adaskaveg
- Evaluation of Delayed Dormant Copper as a Component of an IPM Fire Blight Program-Elkins
- Detection of Resistance in Population of Venturia pirina in California Pear Orchards-Gubler
- Gubler-Detection of Resistance in Populations of Venturia pirina
- PPT Elkins-Johnson-Biological Control of Fire Blight
- Adaskaveg-Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight
- Elkins-Biological Control of Fire Blightlight
- PPT Adaskaveg-Evaluation of New Bactericides
- PPT Elkins-Delayed Dormant Presentation
- PPT Gubler-Detection of Resistance in Populations of Venturia pirina
- Elkins Delayed-Dormant Copper as a Component of a Fire Blight IPM Program
- Elkins - Evaluation of Delayed-Dormant Copper as a Component of a Fire Blight IPM Program
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Elkins - Control of Fire blight Disease in Pear caused by Erwinia amylovora Using Biological Control Agents, Copper and Antibiotics
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Elkins - Control of Fire blight Disease in Pear caused by Erwinia amylovora Using Biological Control Agents, Copper and Antibiotics
- Elkins - Evaluation of Delayed-Dormant Copper as a Component of a Fire Blight IPM Program
- Elkins - LAMP ppt
- JEA - ppt
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Ingels - Kocide ppt
- Ingels - Integrating Variable Rates of Kocide 3000® in a Fire Blight Management Program
- Elkins - Evaluation of Delayed-Dormant Copper as a Component of a Fire Blight IPM Program
- Ingels - Use of Kocide 3000 and a Tower Sprayer in a Fire Blight Management Program
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Zoller - WOPDMC Comparison of Capture of Ascospores of Venturia pirina with Degree Days (0oC), Temperature of Rains and Dry Periods in Ukiah, California
- Broome - Testing an Italian Model that Predicts Pear Scab Ascospore Release Based on Orchard Temperature and Wetness Conditions
- Gubler - Detection of resistance in populations of pear scab (Venturia pirina) and fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) in California pear orchards
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- JEA - Tables
- JAE - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Ingels - Lindow - Fire Blight Studies Investigating the Effects of Surround® WP and Shredded Cuttings
- Zoller - WOPDMC - Comparison of Capture of Ascospores of Venturia pirina with the Temperature of Wetness of Rain in Mendocino County, California 2006
- Gubler - JEA - Detection of resistance in populations of pear scab (Venturia pirini) and fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) in California pear orchards
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russeting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Control of Fire Blight and Fruit Russet Using Biological and Chemical Controls
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russeting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods.
- JEAQ - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Ingels - Fire Blight Studies Investigating the Effects of Surround® WP and Shredded Cuttings
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russetting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods
- Southwick - Shoot Growth and Secondary Bloom Inhibition for Fire Blight Control in ‘Bartlett’ Pear
- Southwick - Labor Saving Technologies Reducing Shoot Growth with Apogee® and Inhibition of Secondary Bloom for Control of Fire Blight in ‘Bartlett’ Pears
- Rizzo - Studies in the Biology and Control of Oak Root Fungus
- JEA - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Control of Fire Blight and Fruit Russet using Biological and Chemical Controls