- BVS - Control of Codling Moth and Secondary Pests by Reduced Risk Insecticides
- BVS - Efficacy and Field Longevity of Insecticides Used for Codling Moth
- Welter - Evaluation of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies
- Welter - Insecticide Resistance in Codling Moth - Resistance to New Selective Chemistries
Plant Pathology
- Ingels - Fire Blight Studies Investigating the Effects of Surround® WP and Shredded Cuttings
- JEAQ - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears Caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russeting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods.