- Elkins - Monitoring and the Use of Mass Trapping Outside the Orchard to Control Consperse Stink Bug
- Millar - Investigations of Posible Chemical and Acoustic Communication in Boxelder Bug
- Varela - Monitoring and Control of Katydids and Diabrotica in Pear Orchards
- Welter - Evaluation of Alternative Pheromone Dispensing Technologies for Codling Moth
Orchard Practices
Plant Pathology
- Gubler - JEA - Detection of resistance in populations of pear scab (Venturia pirini) and fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) in California pear orchards
- Ingels - Lindow - Fire Blight Studies Investigating the Effects of Surround® WP and Shredded Cuttings
- JAE - Evaluation of New Bactericides for Control of Fire Blight of Pears caused by Erwinia amylovora
- Lindow - Management of Frost Injury, Fire blight, and Fruit Russeting of Pear Using Biological and Cultural Methods
- Zoller - WOPDMC - Comparison of Capture of Ascospores of Venturia pirina with the Temperature of Wetness of Rain in Mendocino County, California 2006