Orchard Management
- Elkins - Evaluation of Potential New Size Controlling Rootstocks for European Pear
- Glozer - Efficient Nitrogen Fertilization for Control of Vegetative Growth and Optimum Cropping
- Glozer - Inducing Percocity in European Pear
- Glozer - Use of Plant Growth Regulators for Freeze Protection and Increasing Fruit Set
- Ingels - Cost-Effective Weed and Nutrient Management Practices in Organic Pear Orchards
- Ingels - Demonstration of the Darwin Blossom Thinner
- Miles - Ergonomics Partnership to Address Tree Fruit Worker Injury
- Ingels - Control of Codling Moth by Postharvest Application of Ethephon 2SL and Insecticides
- Ingels - Ethephon Slides ppt
- Van Steenwyk - Alticor - Delegate ppt
- Van Steenwyk - New Reduced Risk Insecticides for Codling Moth Control, Larvicidal Toxicity and Longevity and Ovicidal Toxicity in Pears
- Welter - Continued Testing of Pheromone “Meso-Emiotters” for Mating Disruption ppt
- Welter - Large Block Testing of Meso-Emitterss For Control of Codling Moth in Pears
- Welter - OPDC Presentation -Continued Testing of PHEROMONE “Meso-Emitters” for Mating Disruption of Codling Moth in CA Pears
- Welter - Understanding Mating Disruption by Aerosol Puffers ppt
- Welter - Why Puffers Work